
Stories of Redemption

Kris Reckers’ Story of Redemption

I am writing this article after finishing our elder retreat at Riverview Christian Fellowship. Do you ever have one of those moments where you stop and think, how did I get here? It’s wild to think that I, Kris Reckers, am an elder at an actual church—I preach, teach, and lead discipleship groups. I have a wonderful wife and eight children. To top it off, I work in full-time ministry in the US with a church planting organization in India. To answer the question, I need to back up a few years. Allow me to walk you through our journey.

We grew up in a small town in North Carolina. My parents split up when I was 16 years old. My wife, Stephanie, comes from a similar background. Her parents split up when she was three, and she was raised by a single grandmother for most of her childhood. Stephane and I were good friends before we started dating at 17. We were married at 20 and had our first son at the age of 22. When our son was born, I had a job offer from a local beer distributor, paying more than my current driving job. I said yes and became a beer guy. About a year and a half later, we were expecting another son. During this time, I had started drinking beer daily, and with all the free samples, it was tough to turn down. 

In my heart, I felt Him say, “There is another way!”

My wife was exposed to church growing up with a bus ministry for a few years, and as a young mom, God was drawing her to church. I reluctantly said yes, and we started attending church. I’ll be honest—I did not want to go and could argue away, at least in my mind, everything the pastor said. I did this for my wife and sought reasons not to attend church. This went on for several months. 

One evening, my wife needed to run to the store. I was at home with my son and was drinking a beer as usual. I looked over at my son as I was holding a beer in my hand. I started to think about being a father, and this is where the Lord began to get my attention. I started thinking about my father, grandfather, and family tree. I saw broken marriages, alcoholism, and strained relationships with children. It was not a pretty thought and it broke my heart. This is where the Lord spoke to me. In my heart, I felt Him say, “There is another way!” I was standing, looking at my son, thinking of the wedding vows I made to my wife. What was I doing? Who was I becoming? I did not like what I saw, and to top it off, I was asking, “Is God real?”  

I spent the rest of the week driving the beer truck and listening to the Christian radio station. Was there something to this Jesus and the Church? I still had my doubts, but I knew inside that I needed help. I prayed all week, “If you are real, I need to see it.”

We went to church that Sunday and I was a mess. I kept looking around asking, “Where is the difference? Is this real?”  I spotted a couple in the back of the church who had two teenage daughters. I knew something was different by the peace they had and how the wife looked at her husband. The daughters were respectful and honoring towards their parents. Immediately after church, I went to talk to them. I stood before them and said, “Whatever you have, that’s what I am looking for.” He answered that he and his wife had been praying for a young couple to disciple, and he believed we were it. They had begun praying for us when we first started attending the church. This was the beginning of the path we have been walking for 25 years. We are grateful to God that He pursued and saved us! He broke the chains of iniquity and set us free: “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36 NKJV).  




10 Responses

  1. Isn’t God’s Amazing Grace wonderful?! It is wonderful how His Grace has worked in you and now through you! My wife and I appreciate having you and Stephane in the church we attend. May God continue to bless and direct your path!

  2. Thank you, Brother Kris, I appreciate you sharing your story, what a testimony for Jesus. Challenges us to be seeking to disciple others.

  3. Thanks for your real time tale of redemption ! We get to break the chains……… thank you Jesus!

  4. Thanks, Kris, for sharing your story! But I wanted to know so much more. I’d love to have a chance sometime to sit and talk a while. While our stories are very different in some ways, there is always something familiar about God’s amazing grace and how that changes our lives. Hope we can connect sometime!
