
With Open Hands

We have all been thinking a little more about water and hand washing these days. This beautiful painting by CMC artist Queena Mast resonated with my soul.

Here are some of my thoughts as the water and soap mingle together on my hands and I wash them:

How can we open our hearts and hands to be filled with the Holy Spirit? When I open my hands, I must let go. I have to let go of plans, expectations and yes, especially ministry. Letting go of what ministry used to be and trusting God to grow his church is opening my hands.

As the water runs over my hands, I think about what I need to let go of and then I ask Jesus to fill me with whatever is needed for whatever is coming. I think there will be many hurting in the coming months who will need God’s healing touch.

5.2020-Mim Roggio-
WASHING HANDS [2020] by Queena Mast, Greenwood , DE

I am thankful for the water. It reminds me of God’s provision for me and his daily love for us in this time.

Sometimes God uses art like this or the simple act of washing my hands to get me thinking about what the Scripture or the Holy Spirit is saying. Hopefully this can be a meditative exercise in which you think about the questions and the piece of art. Feel free to grab your Bible as you read through the following questions. When you wash your hands today, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.

Reflective Questions:

  • Water can be a symbol of provision. How is God demonstrating himself as your Provider in this season?  Philippians 4:6-7

  • Drinking water or being able to wash brings a sense of contentment. Water feels smooth and soothing. How is God teaching me to be content in any and every circumstance?  Psalm 23

  • When we wash our hands, it is a way of preparing for the next task when they will get dirty again. How is God preparing us to love and serve the hurting that will come?  John 4:10

  • Washing hands and drinking water are habits. What habits does God want to get rid of or cultivate in your life during this season?  Mark 7:14-15

  • Stopping to wash our hands makes us be still in the busyness of the day. How is God asking you to be still during this season and what is he saying as you are still before him?  Psalm 46:10

  • When we wash our hands, we need to open them and let go. What is God asking you to let go of in this time?  Psalm 9:10