
Parting Challenges and Blessings

For many years, my wife Phyllis and I have traveled to your churches. We’ve stayed in your homes, eaten meals in your fellowship halls, listened to you in meetings, and learned to love you. But now my role as conference pastor has ended. And Darren and Caryn Peachey will be traveling among you. They are younger and cooler than we are, and you will find them insightful, enthusiastic, personable, and caring.

And as they work with you to grow the kingdom, they will find:

  • Leaders who have worked diligently in a time challenged by the pandemic and political polarization.
  • Young people with spiritual fervor and a strong commitment to discipleship and justice.
  • Churches yearning for more skill and creativity in reaching out locally and globally.
  • A strong commitment to the Bible and to the work of the Holy Spirit.
  • Conference agencies working perhaps more closely together than they ever have to honor God, serve the churches, and advance the gospel.
  • Training and discipling programs for laypeople and for credentialed ministers.

But, as always, CMC has more work to do:

  • We are too white, not reflecting the diversity that will be found in heaven, and so missing the richness of how cultures can come together on earth.
  • Our Statement of Practice calls us to seek out and cultivate the spiritual giftedness of men and women for the common good of the church. We have more seeking and more cultivating to do.
  • The local church is to be the womb of church leaders of all types. We need to raise them up.
    Beyond local church training, we need to connect more of our young people to RI and RBC for missions/evangelism and peace/community resources.
  • The pandemic has begun to teach us how to communicate virtually. And we can learn still more about how technology can help us mature and multiply locally and globally.

As we’ve traveled, Phyllis and I often remarked about the quality of earnestness we have found so often in informal conversations and in meetings. We’ve found this in the young people of CMC and in the older generations. We have found it in long-time CMC members and in people who have recently joined us. And this earnestness can make a way for us to keep searching the scriptures and following them, keep searching for God and finding him.

Our prayer for you and for Darren and Caryn is the priestly blessing found in Numbers 6:

“The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace” (vv.24-26, NKJV).

Editor’s Note:

Steve began his work with CMC in 2003 as General Secretary. In 2015 when Brian Hershberger joined CMC as Executive Director, Steve took on the role of Conference Pastor. Following his retirement at the end of April, Steve and Phyllis plan to do more than sit in rocking chairs! Steve will expand his professional counseling practice with individuals, marriages, and families. Phyllis will have more time to write. And together they expect to be more involved with their grandchildren, children, and parents and with their home church and the London community. Thanks so much, Steve (and Phyllis!), for your many years of faithful service to the CMC community and beyond!

5 Responses

  1. Dear Steve & Phyllis,
    You are a classy couple. You both have served with such friendliness, kindness, humility, and a caring spirit. May God bless you with great joy and a sense of deep fulfillment throughout the next
    season of your lives.

  2. You served so faithfully and with a unique grace and patience with others. Thank you for your example. May our Father guide the next chapter of your life and bless you!

  3. Thank you, Steve and Phyllis! May the Lord’s blessings continue in the next chapter of your life. CMC is better because of you two.

  4. Steve and Phyllis,
    I’m so grateful for all the time and talents you have both invested in CMC over the years. You have personally encouraged me in many ways, but I see you doing that with so many people and young leaders. Thank you for leading the next generation so well and for giving our community a legacy of faithfulness to emulate. You are both so special (and cool in my opinion)! Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do to bless others and bring the kingdom into your sphere of influence. Blessings!
