
One for Missions: A Challenge to Embrace New Opportunities

The circumstances of our world over the past few months have triggered an avalanche of changes to our work, family, school, and social lives. These challenging times have ushered many of us to a place where we have calendars full of canceled plans and question marks for the coming months. With this great uncertainty, there is also a clear invitation to define how we want to move forward into new opportunities. Will we shrink back, hoard our resources, and cling tightly to what we have in case things get worse? Will we seek temporary distractions to soothe us from the emotional, financial, or physical discomforts around us? Or, will we generously engage our communities with love and hope, being the hands and feet of Jesus to a world looking for answers?

Rosedale International faces similar trials and crossroads during this season. Internationally, our workers are experiencing the same challenges as the rest of the world. Domestically, our short-term programs and key participation events over the summer months have all been significantly adjusted or canceled. Financially, this has also been a trying time as overall giving has drastically decreased. These collective losses and adjustments have greatly affected us as an agency and placed us in a tender position.

How do we seize the kingdom opportunities in front of us, remain bold, and not shrink back?

As we seek God’s direction, the answer we keep hearing from our board and workers on the field is that we must confidently adapt to the circumstances and remain fully engaged in reaching the least-reached peoples of the world. We know that God is in control and is working in ways that we cannot adequately comprehend. We choose to passionately pursue Jesus into the new opportunities the pandemic is presenting, and we invite you to do the same in your lives.

As you discern how you can best step out in faith, we invite you to consider the following RI opportunities:

On July 25th, Ride for Missions, our annual cycling fundraiser, will take place with a new format that allows all ages and skill levels to participate. If you or someone you know has not ridden in the past because of the distance, physical strain, or time commitment, this year’s event may be for you. Simply create a bicycle route in your area that works for you, invite a few friends and family to join you, and then have fun together as you pedal and support the global work of RI. More details here.

On August 1st, you are invited to join us for One for Missions. This new one-day experience is open to every generation and you can participate by choosing to support missions, celebrate missions, or both. The support missions option is similar to Ride for Missions, except that you and a group of friends select any activity that you enjoy doing – hiking, crafting, golfing, baking, etc. – and use it to raise support for missions. A celebrate missions gathering is an opportunity to host a simple party where friends and family can connect with the world of missions through games, international food, and a brief video highlighting RI’s work. Click here to learn more and to sign up.

On August 31st, a new REACH training begins. If you or a young adult in your life is interested in exploring what it means to actively live out their faith and be equipped for leadership and disciple-making, REACH 2020-21 is accepting applicants. This year’s teams will be strategically positioned within the U.S. and focused on outreach opportunities to immigrant communities. Because of limited space, please apply by June 30th.

Ongoing prayer and support. If you would like to pray for our work and workers, we invite you to become an Intercessor or Prayer Chapter member and receive monthly prayer updates. We also invite you to join us in praying daily at 10:02 for the Lord of the harvest to send more workers into his harvest field. If you are in a situation where you can financially support the work or RI and help us combat this time of scarcity, we invite you to partner with us today.

No matter where you are in the world, we pray you will embrace the new opportunities around you and brightly shine the light of Jesus into the darkness.
