One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Ephesians 2:10: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (NLT). When I read this, I picture God taking his time to put me together, putting exactly what I need inside of me to accomplish the good things that he has planned for me.
Also, as I read this verse, the burden inside of me grows for those around me who haven’t yet discovered that they are God’s masterpieces. The world around us is broken, and people (family, friends, and neighbors) are hopelessly searching to find who they are. We, the church, have a unique opportunity to point people to Jesus and help them discover this.
I want to see churches of all shapes and sizes meeting in homes, coffee shops, and traditional spaces.
Over the last several months, CMC’s Mature & Multiply newsletter has been highlighting leaders who are engaging the community around them. They are helping people discover they are God’s masterpieces. These stories have resulted in new church plants, people being led to Christ who are now first-generation Christians, and Bible studies being hosted in homes with brand-new believers. As we sit and talk with these leaders, I walk away encouraged and challenged. They are passionate about sharing the gospel; this is evident through the work they are doing.
Our hope is that these stories will inspire you to think of ways you can engage the community around you. This is how we will see a movement take place; this is how we will see lives transformed and new churches started. Imagine if you started a Bible study in your home, inviting those who might feel intimidated by walking into a local church building. What if that Bible study outgrew your living room, and you had to begin looking for a larger space to meet? Maybe you could start by hosting a neighborhood meal once a week in your home, inviting neighbors that don’t have a relationship with Jesus. This could very easily turn into a church gathering. What if you spend time in a local coffee shop once a week, specifically asking people how you can pray for them? This could lead to life transformation and people discovering they are God’s masterpieces.

As CMC’s church planting catalyst, my desire is to see a movement of new churches started in your neighborhood, city, and beyond. I want to see churches of all shapes and sizes meeting in homes, coffee shops, and traditional spaces—churches that meet people where they are and introduce them to the transforming power of the gospel.
As part of this movement, we are excited to announce that this month, we will be launching the first-ever Mature & Multiply Podcast. We will continue to highlight extraordinary stories from ordinary people who are regularly engaging their community. This will give you the opportunity to hear the passion and the heart in the voices of those we interview.
Another way to engage this movement is by a weekly prayer meeting that is focused on church planting. A group meets every Thursday morning from 9:00-9:30 to lift up those who are actively planting churches and to discern how the Lord is leading the Church Plant Team. To join us, email me at to receive the Zoom link and more details.
Header image: Table of Grace, Mechanicsburg, OH – Pastor, Paul Kurtz