
Global Relief in Response to a Pandemic

The global COVID-19 pandemic is causing unprecedented upheaval in the world. In response, Rosedale International is coordinating a global relief fund to assist the CMC connected communities of faith around the world that have been impacted the most by the novel virus. Please consider how you can join us in supporting our dear brothers and sisters during these challenging times.

As of today, there are over 826,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. and at least 45,000 deaths. Even though less than 0.2% of the U.S. population is known to have the virus, life has been drastically upended for the other 99.8%. From stay-at-home orders restricting movement to face masks and social distancing being the norm – nothing seems quite normal. To reduce the spread, many of us have started watching live-streamed sermons, meeting with small groups via Zoom, and even sharing communion remotely while only seeing a small image of our friends and family on a screen.

The economic impact from this upheaval is very real and very painful. Those working in food service, hospitality, retail, personal services, or even manufacturing (where workers must be in close proximity) have lost jobs or had their hours severely curtailed. Fear of long-term economic impact could lead to feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and even depression.

Throughout its history, the Church has responded to crises with compassion. Many CMC congregations are increasing their financial giving to reach the hurting in their communities. Some congregations are taking special offerings and asking those financially able to consider donating a substantial portion of their U.S. government stimulus checks. We strongly support these responses and encourage you to participate generously in the efforts of your local congregations to meet local needs.

As the missions agency of CMC, RI would also like to encourage you to consider the plight of those in less-developed countries whose lives have been completely upended by this pandemic. For many, this crisis has become life-threatening even when they do not have the coronavirus. The government lock-downs put in place around the world have caused work to come to a halt for virtually all laborers. This means that the low daily wages normally used to feed a family have ceased to exist. With no savings to fall back on, people are forced to choose between protecting themselves via social distancing or being able to eat.

Through the global relief fund that RI is initiating, we will immediately begin helping the physical needs of believers, church conferences, and Christian ministries with whom we have personal connections. 100% of the gifts collected will be delivered to trusted workers and ministries where support is needed the most. These gifts will provide precious food, medical and sanitary supplies, as well as financial assistance to these communities.

May it be said of us what Paul said of the Macedonian churches’ gifts:

“In spite of their terrible ordeal of suffering, their abundant joy and deep poverty have led them to be abundantly generous. I can testify that by their own free will they have given to the utmost of their ability, yes, even beyond their ability”

2 Corinthians 8:2-3 (ISV)

Would you consider joining us in these efforts?
Visit to learn more.

One Response

  1. Dear brother and sisters in CMC, RI thanks for your heart for missions local, national and global. its God’s heard that works in His people like you to think about people in other countries even in the situation facing in our own homeland here in the USA. we are trying to do a very small afford to reach people who are suffering badly in this situation as they have only daily wages income, and in this situation have nothing to support their family, some stories came out people suicided because their kids were hungry and they could not see them dying with hunger. if you want to see more reports from Pakistan I added the link below on the website. please help God’s Fellowship Ministries in Pakistan to help these people’s lives. we are so thankful to you for your help in the last year distributing free bibles, and making one slaved family free from brick lin slavery. we are hoping your will stand with us in this situation to help mission in Pakistan. God bless you. Mehartab Emmanuel
