
Follow Jesus 2024

Rosedale Network’s Multiply 2024 Conference drew approximately 800 people to Woodbridge High School in Greenwood, Delaware, August 2-4. Plenary and breakout sessions on subjects related to the theme Follow Jesus proved to be a big draw as many were standing-room only. The plenary sessions featured the moderator’s address, sermons titled “Two Kingdoms,” “Joining the Mission of Jesus,” and “Jesus to the World, the World to Jesus,” Scripture dramatization by Piercing Word, and worship led by a band of Rosedale Bible College alumni. Breakout sessions featured a range of topics such as “Jesus and Politics,” “Jesus and Loving Your Enemies,” “Jesus and Deliverance,” “Jesus and Sexuality,” and “Jesus and Generosity.” Audio/video links to the sessions can be found on our website.

Below are some of the comments received on the post-conference survey:

Even though I hadn’t met many people from the Delaware area before, it immediately felt like home! Our host family was awesome, and the whole environment at the high school was uplifting.

The Greenwood churches went above and beyond in hosting… the spirit of the people hosting was outstanding.

My kids loved it—I enjoyed seeing all the shirts of the workers and kids with the theme on it.

I appreciated including the youth in the breakout sessions in the afternoon and including them in the deep theological discussion.

They had great youth group activities in the evenings… My youth group age kids are already excited about next year.

I loved the focus to Follow Jesus… Sunday morning was a highlight for me and my church back home who streamed it for the morning service.

We appreciated the depth of the messages and the challenges they presented. We especially appreciated the hymn sing on Saturday morning.

I loved the structure of hearing a message about the Kingdom and then fleshing it out in breakout sessions.

I appreciated that the breakout sessions were all relevant to where our society is at today.

We really appreciated getting to meet and hear the testimonies of the RI missionaries…

Other special features of the conference included the introduction of five new churches who joined Rosedale Network in 2024. Four of those churches hailed from states not previously included in the network: California, Idaho, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Additionally, representatives from Rosedale Network’s International Affiliates in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Cuba, India, Kenya, and Spain were introduced. Following the conference, this group traveled to Rosedale, Ohio, where they participated in the International Affiliates Conference, focused on the theme The Anabaptist Vision: Does it Matter Today?

Make plans to join us for Multiply 2025 in Montgomery, Indiana, July 25-27!

Header and insert photos, credit:  Rosedale Network of Churches

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