John Risner

“Mistakes Were Made…” Part 4

How Can We Get Accountability and Church Discipline Right? Oral Roberts University shocked the world when they beat Ohio State in the 2021 March Madness tournament. The Oklahoma-based Christian school went on to win again in the next round as a 15 seed and became

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Jon Showalter

“Mistakes Were Made…” Part 3

How Can We Get “Race Relations” Right? In 1931 on the campus of Eastern Mennonite School (now University) in Harrisonburg, Virginia, a student literary program featured “a stirring debate on the ever-live question: should the Negro enjoy equal privileges with the white race?” That jolting

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Reuben Sairs

“Mistakes Were Made…” Part 2

How Can We Get “Nonconformity” Right? When was the last time you heard a sermon about nonconformity? How many of the younger generation of Mennonites in CMC can claim that nonconformity to the world was a special emphasis in their development—reinforced at every turn? Nonconformity

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Phil Weber

“Mistakes Were Made…” Part 1

How Do We Get the Bible Right? Mistakes are costly! Sometimes the costs are mild—an extra trip to the store or a follow-up text to correct a phone’s autocorrect feature. Sometimes the costs are high, including damage or death as our highways graphically illustrate. I

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