Rosedale Bible College

The Place of Children in Sunday Worship Services

RBC’s series of Beacon articles this year showcases a wide variety of differing practices encountered among Rosedale Network congregations. We hope these articles promote thoughtful discussions and spark new ideas about the differing ways our churches are faithfully seeking to honor Christ as His Body.

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Rosedale Bible College

The Christian Liturgical Calendar

This or That? Part 4 To Follow…? The New Testament (NT) gives no mandate for a church calendar. In fact, Colossians 2:16-17 specifically tells us not to. When we look at the Old Testament we see holy day instructions, and the Sabbath is the primary

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Rosedale Bible College

Differing Perspectives on Foot Washing

This or That? Part 3 Why we practice foot washing at Word of Grace Church in Lancaster, PA Much of the genius of early Anabaptism was the commitment to simply obey the commands and principles of the New Testament. When those in this movement read,

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Rosedale Bible College

Congregational Sharing Times

This or That? Part 2 Why we have a “Sharing Time” at Turkey Run Mennonite Church in Logan, Ohio The open sharing of testimonies, praise reports, and prayer requests has been a regular part of the faith family gatherings at Turkey Run as far back

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