Jeremy Miller

A Church of Pat-ter-ins

This year, RBC is running a series of articles in the Beacon examining books that might be especially helpful to the life of the Church. We hope you will benefit from these book descriptions and suggestions. The Patient Ferment of the Early Church: The Improbable

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Rosedale Bible College

Responses to the Middle East Conflict

RBC reached out to two Christian leaders to give thoughtful responses to the current conflict in the Middle East. Israel, Hamas, and Me I sat staring dumbfounded at my computer screen, scarcely believing what I was seeing. Men and women fleeing for their lives. Peaceful

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Jessica Miller

Surviving Church Hurt

Growing up as a pastor’s kid, I encountered some of the best and worst of the American church. I even felt somewhat alienated from the church for some time in my late teens. My dad was treated horribly by several church members, and the church

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Jewel Showalter

Rosedale Network’s “Liturgies”*

This concludes RBC’s series of articles showcasing a variety of practices encountered among Rosedale Network congregations. We hope these articles have promoted thoughtful discussions and sparked new ideas about the differing ways our churches are faithfully seeking to honor Christ as His Body. I grew

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