Jeremy Miller

Us and Them

Pastors may have one of the most difficult jobs in the country right now. Relational roadside bombs have been embedded in our congregations. Some are easily spotted ahead of time, but others are hidden in unassuming people and situations. Months of altered schedules, state-mandated restrictions,

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Rosedale Bible College

Mourning with Those Who Mourn

Mourn with those who mourn. ~ Romans 12:15b A Letter from RBC We are Kingdom workers, and our work is Kingdom work. The biblical promise of God’s Kingdom come in its glory and completion in Revelation 7 is a promise of true equality and diversity.

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Courtney Kuepfer

Living in the Kingdom

Courtney Kuepfer delivered the valedictory address at Rosedale Bible College’s virtual graduation ceremony May 23, 2020. (You can watch the online commencement at RosedaleBibleCollege on YouTube.) The following is her speech. One of the main things impressed upon me while I was a student at

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Jewel Showalter

Sprinting on Tiptoes at RBC

Daily scripture readings to the tune of “I Owe the Lord a Morning Song” (played on old-school synthesizers) bump up against jokes, riddles, contests, and “isolation reports” on Rosedale Bible College’s novel Morning Show. Masterminded by Hans Shenk, director of enrollment services, the show aims

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