Jeremy Miller

2020 Reflection: Recapturing Holiness as People of God

I was young, maybe 11. The world I had known was altered dramatically one day when I learned that a close friend’s parents were getting a divorce. I had never known anyone who had gotten a divorce and was immediately terrified at the prospect that

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Reuben Sairs

“The Shared Meme of a Fool Gushes Folly…”

Twenty years ago would you have read an article about how Christians should consume news? Not likely. There were discussions about movies, TV, and other entertainment where portrayals of sex and violence called for discernment. But news was news, right? Much has changed. I grew

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Matthew Cordella-Bontrager

Do Not Be Anxious

There is plenty to be anxious about. Beyond ordinary cares, we find ourselves in a pandemic and a presidential election. Our responses are important, but they are varied. Conversations are often sharp and hard to navigate. For many, this is yet another source of anxiety.

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Phil Weber

An Inconvenient Scripture

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.” This little instruction occurs in the latter half of Paul’s inspired letter to the first-century church in Rome, where, as some say, he moves from preaching to meddling. Once you agree with his insistence that we

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