Jeremy Miller

How We Do Change

I came of age at the tail end of the era when most CMC churches had a written set of lifestyle standards for church members. While many contemporary CMC churches have stated expectations about loving, forgiving, and serving each other, 30 years ago the expectations

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David Perkins

And God Saw That It Was Good

Look around you. Look out your window. Look at the trees and the flowers. How many different colors do you see? Look at all the leaves and the movement of each blade of grass. How long do you think it would take to count them

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Matthew Cordella-Bontrager

A Darker Cross

1. I am sitting in my grandparents’ pew at St. Isidore Roman Catholic Church in Riverhead, N.Y. I have missed the prompt to kneel. The kneeler flips down onto my small foot as a row of parishioners lowers its pious weight. My shout erupts into

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Marietta Renne

Birth Control: A Christian Perspective – Part 2

CMC’s vision to mature and multiply churches includes learning to think critically and biblically about issues in our culture. When we eagerly seek for God’s Word to speak to every aspect of life, we learn, we grow, and our gospel witness expands. -BH Last month

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