Rachel Maino

Everyone Has a Story

This year, RBC is running a series of articles in the Beacon examining books that might be especially helpful to the life of the Church. We hope you will benefit from these book descriptions and suggestions. Everything Sad Is Untrue  by Daniel Nayeri During the

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Dorothy Plank

Hospitality and the Gospel

This year, RBC is running a series of articles in the Beacon examining books that might be especially helpful to the life of the Church. We hope you will benefit from these book descriptions and suggestions. The Gospel Comes with a House Key Rosaria Butterfield

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Joel Bender

What or Whom Are You a Disciple Of?

This year, RBC is running a series of articles in the Beacon examining books that might be especially helpful to the life of the Church. We hope you will benefit from these book descriptions and suggestions. Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become Like Him.

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Joye Miller

Need More Empathy?

This year, RBC is running a series of articles in the Beacon examining books that might be especially helpful to the life of the Church. We hope you will benefit from these book descriptions and suggestions. The Gift of Empathy: Helping Others Feel Valued, Cared

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