Phil Swartzentruber

Phil Swartzentruber

is pastor of Turners Creek Mennonite Church in Jackson, Kentucky and moderator of CMC. He is a retired high school teacher. He and his wife Rosie enjoy time spent with children and grandchildren.
Rosedale Network
Phil Swartzentruber

Faithful to the Call

In 1955, Martha, recently married to Wesley Stoltzfus and pregnant with their first child, moved from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to Bowlings Creek in Eastern Kentucky

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Rosedale Network
Phil Swartzentruber


On March 1, 2021, folks in Eastern KY woke up to heavy rains and devasting flooding. This came in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic,

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Rosedale Network
Phil Swartzentruber

Because They Went

In Luke 10:2 Jesus told his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send

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Beacon Feature
Phil Swartzentruber

False Summits

A few years ago, my wife and I were attempting to climb to the highest point of Colorado – Mt. Elbert.  We had done some

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