Jewel Showalter

Jewel Showalter

serves in development and communications at Rosedale Bible College. She loves the gracious pursuit of truth that happens at RBC and in the broader church.
Jewel Showalter

Rosedale Network’s “Liturgies”*

This concludes RBC’s series of articles showcasing a variety of practices encountered among Rosedale Network congregations. We hope these articles have promoted thoughtful discussions and

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Jewel Showalter

“Mistakes Were Made…” Part 11

“Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk!” If you’ve been tracking with Rosedale Bible College’s Beacon articles in 2022, you’ve heard writers speak soberly of cringe-worthy mistakes

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Jewel Showalter

Sprinting on Tiptoes at RBC

Daily scripture readings to the tune of “I Owe the Lord a Morning Song” (played on old-school synthesizers) bump up against jokes, riddles, contests, and

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