
Multiply 2023

Multiply 2023 is just around the corner! We will be gathering at Naumburg Mennonite Church in Castorland, New York, on July 28–30 and the local Rosedale Network congregations have been working diligently in preparation for it. We are eagerly anticipating this time of worship and fellowship with our New York congregations and with brothers and sisters from scattered places.

The K-5th grade registration and program will be held at River Valley Mennonite School. Infants through pre-Kindergarten and the junior youth program will be at Naumburg Mennonite Church with registration in the Naumburg lobby.

This year’s youth sessions are taking place at Croghan Mennonite Church, with worship, a presentation by Rosedale Bible College, a pizza party, and sessions with Matt Zehr and Nate Olmstead. Explore with Rosedale International what God is doing around the world through the REACH program and what serving could look like for you! There will also be a breakout panel Q&A with Eric Miller, Keegan Wright, Nate Olmstead, Matt Zehr, and Esther Martin. Youth-specific activities will follow after both the Friday and Saturday evening sessions. Youth and young adults won’t want to miss all the fun!

Adults will partake in sessions led by Tony Webb, leader of Vision USA Church Planting, and Nate Olmstead, a church planter in Utica, New York. The weekend will close with a message from Rosedale Network’s executive director, Brian Hershberger, entitled The DNA of a Maturing and Multiplying Church.

Additional special events include a multi-agency reception on Friday night, separate men’s and women’s sessions, informative breakout sessions, and exciting field trips. There will also be an introduction of new congregations and church plants, a video featuring a church plant, and a reception on Saturday evening hosted by the local congregations.

We can’t wait to gather with you and experience TRANSFORMATION together.

A digital brochure will be posted on our website later in June
