
Locust Grove Mennonite Church–Belleville, PA

Reflections on God’s Work

- Part 2

God is at work. In 2023, the Beacon feature articles will seek to capture a snapshot of the ways God is working in churches across our conference. We pray that these articles encourage your faith and spur you on to join God in the work he is doing in your local congregation.      


      ~Kelsey Jurkovich, Publication & Literature Committee

Locust Grove Mennonite Church is located in central Pennsylvania. While that location is important to who we are, what God is doing in and through Locust Grove is even more important. We can see God working in individuals’ lives and rejoice in His work in this body of Christ-followers in rural Pennsylvania. Locust Grove, while fitting most categories of a rural church is increasingly diverse. We are blessed as a body to come from a variety of backgrounds and have a wide spectrum of ages.

For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.   (Phil. 2:13 NIV)

God’s faithfulness and work have been evident, especially over the last few years during our pastoral leadership transition. In addition, God’s direction has been clear through the challenges many churches have weathered with COVID-19 and other cultural influences. The unity that God has brought to the elders and leadership team has been a special blessing for Locust Grove. We are witnesses to His desire for the church, Christ’s bride, to be unified and serve Him with purpose.

…until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
(Eph. 4:13 NIV)

Collectively, we strive for the spiritual maturity of all who call Locust Grove home. Locust Grove embraces God’s call to minister to and disciple children and youth. Nearly 40% of individuals attending on an average Sunday are under the age of eighteen. Countless people at Locust Grove use their gifts to teach and mentor these young lives. One of the real ways we are seeing the fruit of this labor is in the large number of young adults now investing back into our youth and the larger church body. This call to minister to children and youth spills over into our community through Vacation Bible School and Mega Sports Camp. These outreaches have touched the lives of many children and parents.

God’s direction has also been evident in our ministries to single parents. In a country where 35% of children, ages 0–17 years old, are being raised by single parents, Locust Grove has found a mission field. In January 2015, the church’s leadership team authorized a Single Parent Family Ministry (SPFM). In the seven years since, the Holy Spirit led SPFM in implementing several programs including a Single Moms Support Group led by the ministry’s coordinator. As a result, six single moms have committed to sharing Jesus while living a life of purity. Most recently, the ministry has two dads working to initiate DADS MATTER, a ministry for single dads.

The Single Moms Support group meets two Friday nights/month at a local church’s café, serving dinner from 6:30–7 p.m. followed by children going to activities while the mothers meet for the next hour with a time of sharing, prayer, and Bible study. Attendance ranges from 25–40 moms and children. Attendees are invited to experience the love of Jesus regardless of lifestyle. A thought-provoking encouragement recently has been to hear single moms ask, “Do we have church this Friday?”

God is continuing to mold and shape the ministry and mission of Locust Grove. That purpose is increasingly focused on the unreached, not just around the world but especially in our own community. We anticipate God’s work in and through Locust Grove in the years ahead because we can attest to His faithfulness in the past.

2 Responses

  1. Loved reading this. Locust Grove has always been a church that has fascinated and intrigued me. I have been influenced and blessed by men who came from there. Elam Peachy was one of my favorite teachers when I went to RBI [RBC] way back in 1973. It was always a treat when Max Zook was a speaker at any of our conference’s gatherings. In recent years I have been blessed and challenged by Bob Plank and his heart for doing missions in challenging places. So much to love about the history of Locust Grove, and so good to hear about the current growth in the church. May God’s grace keep growing among you!!
