
Just What We Need

Earlier this fall, I decided to do something adventurous and volunteered to coach my son’s soccer team. How hard can it be to coach a bunch of 8- and 9-year-olds? I have coached and helped to coach in the past, so I was pretty sure I could accomplish it. But walking onto the field for our first practice, I was nervous and unsure how it would turn out. Am I even qualified to do this? I was afraid we wouldn’t win a game all season!

As the season has progressed, I have seen a group of kids grow together as a team. Each player on my team has improved in multiple ways. Things vital to soccer, like passing the ball, throwing it in from the sideline, and kicking goals, are much easier than they were eight weeks ago. I might not be the most qualified person to coach a soccer team, but we have had a successful season. By making myself available and investing a few hours in watching YouTube videos, I have learned a lot of new things and feel confident in my coaching. As of now, we have had three wins, two ties, and one loss.

Live every day with confidence that the Holy Spirit is living inside each of us and he will provide everything we need to accomplish what he is asking us to do.

In Matthew 10, Jesus called the disciples together and gave them power and authority to drive out demons and heal every disease and sickness. Later in the chapter, Jesus sent the 12 disciples out in groups of two. He told them not to take any gold, silver, or copper, and he told them not to take any extra sandals or clothing. In verse 16 Jesus tells them, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves” (NIV), and describes how they will most likely be beaten and arrested. Verse 19-20 says, “But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”

I’m sure the disciples panicked when Jesus gave them the list of items they couldn’t take on this trip. If you are anything like me, you tend to focus on what we don’t have versus what we do have. Scripture shows us what we do have. Romans 8:11 says the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, is living in me (paraphrased). Do we live our lives this way? Are we fully trusting in the Word of God and the promises that are given to you and me? Or are we striving to live a “comfortable life”? 

When God sends you out, he may be asking you to move to an impoverished neighborhood. God may be asking you to give up your dream job with a salary that you dreamt would never be possible. He may be asking you to move thousands of miles from your family and friends. Live every day with confidence that the Holy Spirit is living inside each of us and he will provide everything we need to accomplish what he is asking us to do. There is nothing wrong with living in a safe neighborhood or working a dream job, but if that is all taken away, we still have what we need to live out and accomplish the will of God. 

What is the Holy Spirit asking you to do? Is he asking you to connect with a neighbor who doesn’t know Jesus? Is he asking you to move to the inner city and live incarnationally in a community that seems scary? Is he leading you to plant a new church so we can see the kingdom of God expanded?

Stepping out of our comfort zone and trying something new can be challenging; moving to a new city or community can be scary, but I can tell you it is worth it. Start small and work your way to “bigger things.” If God has placed church planting on your heart, begin connecting with the unchurched in your city or community. As you take steps toward what God is asking you to accomplish, your confidence will grow, and before you know it, you won’t think twice when God leads you to do something new and exciting.

This year’s soccer season has been the reminder that I needed—God provides what I need to accomplish what he is asking me to do!
