
Departures and Arrivals

As summer turns to fall, God continues to call workers to the spiritual harvest. Rosedale International (RI) is excited to introduce Esperanza and Courtney, two new workers who recently departed for their locations overseas.

Esperanza’s first experience with overseas missions came in 2016, when she served as a REACH team leader. She credits this experience with stoking her desire to pursue long-term missions. “My time in REACH sharpened my trajectory and sense of calling. Afterward, I pursued my degree in social work, with a strong desire to advocate for children to thrive in families.”

Other experiences drew her heart specifically towards the Mediterranean. While in college, she minored in Intercultural Studies, learning about the Muslim faith, and even traveling to the region. Through the Perspectives course, she learned about unreached people groups and the urgency of reaching them. In addition to this formal education, she also gained hands-on experience by working “in refugee resettlement in Lancaster, welcoming many new neighbors to my home area. At my most recent job, I worked alongside some brave refugee women, who became good friends.”

I am praying to see hope and healing sparked through relationship with Jesus.

After this term, Esperanza will join another Pioneers team in the Mediterranean, “with long-term church-planting goals. I envision using my social work skills to bless refugees who have little access to the good news. I am praying to see hope and healing sparked through relationship with Jesus and for movements of Muslims toward him.”

Courtney’s arrival in Thailand is the culmination of nearly three years of prayers and planning. As a REACHer in 2019-20, Courtney traveled to Thailand and quickly caught a vision for returning long-term. But when COVID-19 sent her team home in the middle of outreach, Courtney put her tentative plans on hold.

While waiting for borders to re-open and God’s direction to become clearer, Courtney returned to the Rosedale International Center (RIC) as an intern for Short-Term Programs. Not long into her internship, God rekindled her desire to return to Thailand. She began pursuing the steps to become an RI worker, and arrived in Thailand in July of this year.

In her two-year term, Courtney’s main focus is to support RI’s long-term team in Bangkok. She will also dedicate time to language study, and take opportunities to work with the many refugee and migrant populations in the city. “I’m excited to watch relationships form and grow as time goes on.”

Although Courtney has spent less than three months in Thailand, her short time has already shaped her. She shared that she’s learning to step out of her comfort zone, and has grown deeper in trust with God. “Thank goodness we have Jesus as our Teacher! I’m learning how to follow the instructions of Jesus amidst Thai culture, trusting that he’ll show me how to love and encourage and speak truth. He knows their hearts and ways of life. He will teach me about what my purpose is here and what it means to follow the call to make disciples.”

Rosedale International is grateful to witness God working through these young women to bring the gospel to the unreached. As Courtney and Esperanza live out their callings, please lift them up in prayer. Pray that they would keep a learner’s spirit; that they would hear God’s direction; that they would persevere in language learning. Ask that they would find connection with those around them and would convey the love of Jesus in every interaction, no matter how great or small.

Some names and locations have been changed for security.
