
Sharing Hope: Ukraine Giving Update

In February, as Russia invaded Ukraine, CMC and Rosedale International (RI) put out an urgent request for support of the Ukrainian Mennonite Brethren (MB) Conference. Together with Multiply, the mission organization of MB churches, CMC and RI gathered donations to equip Ukrainian believers as they served their neighbors in the midst of war. The response was overwhelming; since that initial request for aid, Multiply has received a total of $163,891.31 from CMC.

Recently, RI received a report from Vic Wiens, MB Interim General Director, which detailed how the funds have been used. He shared, “With God’s grace and thanks to your generous donations, MB pastors, church planters, and key Multiply workers are working as the hands and feet of Jesus in the midst of this crisis.

“For years, the churches of the Ukrainian MB Conference have been focused on a holistic Gospel which cares for the needy and marginalized. Now in war, they continue to serve, offering their buildings as shelters. In Dnipro, a partner church daily receives 50-70 people who are seeking refuge and safety, drawing them into hopeful gatherings of worship, Scripture reading, and prayer. In Zaporizhzhia, a center which has served at-risk youth and families for years has now converted their offices into dorms for refugees, even installing a shower.

“Your gifts have also enabled Multiply to purchase and maintain the vehicles used to transport supplies to MB churches in Ukraine. Multiply workers in Germany, Austria, and Lithuania have partnered with these churches to cross the border into Ukraine, dropping off supplies and loading evacuees to transport back to safety. In the city of Molochansk, women from an MB nursing home use these supplies to prepare care packages for the disabled and vulnerable. MB churches in other cities are doing likewise, working with social services to respond to needs that are overwhelming the civic government infrastructure.

Your outpouring of resources has had a profound impact on the lives of our suffering brothers and sisters and all they have served during this crisis.

“Multiply global workers from Austria, Germany, Lithuania and Central Asia have been mobilized to Moldova, Poland, and Hungary to bring critical resources to meet immediate needs and are collaborating with local churches to create long-term strategies. In Moldova, Multiply workers are conducting disaster management and trauma counseling seminars for evangelical leaders, bringing several churches and Christian organizations together to unite their efforts. In Kishinev, churches and workers have formed the Christian Association for Refugees, a coalition with a centralized database to help refugees. This kind of collaboration is happening all throughout the region, and Multiply has received numerous invitations to work together into the future, including evangelism among refugees. Your donations have made all of this possible, and are keeping hope alive.”

CMC churches—your outpouring of resources has had a profound impact on the lives of our suffering brothers and sisters and all they have served during this crisis. This impact will last far beyond the present day as Multiply workers and MB churches build connections and provide a tangible picture of what a servant gospel looks like.

As Vic concluded, “In the midst of this crisis, hearts are broken and traumatized—but also open to the Gospel. Along with anger and bitterness, there are also expressions of love and the pursuit of peace. Together, we are living and sharing hope.

“Though this war may be far from over, we fix our eyes on Jesus, our Risen Savior who has won the battle. We are sincerely grateful to you for giving generously to Multiply so that we can continue to support efforts to bring relief and hope to many during this crisis. We pray that the global Church will continue to collaborate effectively in these efforts and be faithful as an instrument of healing and peace, so that together the world may know Jesus.”

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