
Motherhood: Choosing Your Yoke

A while back, as I was reading through the book of Leviticus, I found myself praying, “Jesus, I need more than this to fill my heart before I go on with today,” and about that time I came across Leviticus 26:13: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high” (NIV).

This verse has become one of my favorite verses. As mothers, it is so important that we let go of the things of the past or things that hold us in bondage and keep us from being the mother that we should be to our children. Our ability to let go of the past or bondage we’re caught in has a deep reaching effect on our children.

Notice how God says that he “broke the bars of your yoke,” so that we would no longer be enslaved. We can walk with our heads held high because our past does not enslave us. Then, in Matthew 11:29-30, Jesus says to us, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (NIV).

Could it be that when life gets too hard, we’re moving ahead of him? Are we holding back in some way and the yoke starts hurting? He yearns to walk alongside of us and give us grace and power for each moment! Oh yes, he cares if you’re running late and if your dinner plans are ruined. He is present as we process the small mistakes and he even covers them for us! He gives us ideas when we thought we were all out of them. He gives us strength when we need it. He brings joy in the sweetest ways. His well of goodness never runs dry. Changing yokes is essential, especially if you find that you are not the joy-filled mother that you want to be, the mother that cares for the hearts of her children above completing her list of tasks for the day. My prayer is that at the top of our lists would be caring for the hearts of each of our children, even if that means that other tasks get pushed back.

“Lord, help me to remember what's most important here.”

At our large home in Pennsylvania, our household is now down to just the two of us, Joe and me, the way we started out years ago. And I find myself missing it all: the joy, laughter, arguing, and the noise that accompanies a house full of children. I think back to my prayer through the years, “Lord, help me to remember what’s most important here.” So often, I would find myself caught up in the list of work that needed to be done. I would get so tired of the relationship issues, the workload, and yes, the constant noise. However, through it all, I can say with confidence that there was not a time that Jesus wasn’t there, helping me go about my day in a meaningful way. During those times, my trust in Jesus had to supersede my sorrow. During times like those, it’s so important to be “in yoke” with him and realize that our joy can come from trusting, even when we cannot see, knowing that he wants to carry our sorrows (Isaiah 53:4).

Being a mother is a high calling. It’s impossible to do it with our own power and strength. Being in yoke with Jesus makes all the difference! This high calling is not for wimps; it’s for those who would stand up and say, “Not today, Satan!” We are the only ones who control our wills; that’s the only thing God doesn’t control even though he’s the one who gave it to us. He yearns for us to use our will to bring about his will. This is such an awesome privilege, especially as we’re working with our children to do the same, teaching them to align their wills in cooperation to his will. By cooperating with his will, we are able to proclaim his glory, his goodness, and his power to all we meet. God bless you as you walk in yoke with him today!
