
False Summits

A few years ago, my wife and I were attempting to climb to the highest point of Colorado – Mt. Elbert.  We had done some research and learned that there were a couple of false summits on the way to the true summit.  Sure enough, about two miles into the 4½ mile hike to the top we came out of the tree-line and saw “the summit.” We could easily reach that.  But as we went further, we saw another higher summit behind that one.  This was repeated a couple times before we saw and were finally able to reach the “high point” of Colorado.

For some of us 2020 was a time of re-evaluating our life summits. Many financial goals, vocational goals, even church and ministry goals have been put on hold. In Philippians 3:10 Paul sums up his life summit, “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death” (NIV). Paul’s life goal was to know Christ and to join him (to be his hands and feet) in building his church here on earth. He was compelled by the love of Christ to share the gospel with everyone he could. And in 2 Timothy 4:7, as he neared his death and reflected on his life, he said, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (NIV). To know Christ is to be filled with his desire to see people rescued from Satan’s bondage, to see the hopeless find hope and to see his church built on earth. A couple years ago the leaders of our church planting movement in CMC proposed plans for this decade. They challenged us to think about how we can be involved in helping people move from darkness to light, in seeing our communities transformed, and in planting new disciple-making churches.

The past year has driven us to our knees to seek the face of God. 

Here in CMC we ask ourselves, “What is our goal?”  If it is having a great “Multiply 2020” or “Pastors Conference 2021,” we have failed. (Both were cancelled.)  If it was an increase in attendance in our churches in 2020, most of us have failed. But if it is joining Jesus Christ in his promise to build his church, I believe we are still on the trail to the true summit. The past year has driven us to our knees to seek the face of God. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus promised he would build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Yes, Satan has unleashed some powerful attacks. He sends the spirit of fear and division in our families and churches.  He has created strife and violence in our nation. But the One we serve is greater. Satan was defeated on the cross of Calvary. God is at work building his church among us.  People are coming to Jesus.  New Bible studies are springing up among our people. New outreach ministries are happening.

I believe God is stirring us as a conference to a new level of impact on our world. Exciting things are happening in CMC. There is a weekly Zoom prayer meeting to discern God’s will for church planting. We are sensing his direction. The New York churches came together for a weekend summit and emerged with unity and a passion to share the gospel in their part of New York and beyond. Two REACH teams, one in New York and one in New Mexico, are assisting churches in reaching into their communities with the gospel. My sense is that this last year has been a time of pruning in many of our lives. We have seen some of the false summits in our lives and ministries and have set our eyes on the true goal. We seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, and he is using our hard times to strengthen us for the fight against the evil one. John 15:2 tells us that every branch that bears fruit, he prunes, so that it will be even more fruitful.  While I can not tell you everything 2021 will bring to us, I am excited to watch and participate as God continues to work in our lives, families, churches, and communities.  

2 Responses

  1. Thanks, Phil. I continually need to be reminded of this, to focus on our main goal of joining Jesus in His work of building His church.

  2. Thanks for this encouraging word Phil. I appreciate the call to carefully consider our goals.
