Growing Our Hope

I recently met with a group of pastors to plan a community sermon series on hope in Christ. The conversation ultimately turned towards fears arising for God’s people as we near the presidential election. Maybe you or someone you know can relate. Perhaps you fear being sued or imprisoned for your beliefs. Maybe you fear abortion legally ending millions of unborn lives. Perhaps you fear politicians disregarding the truth, failing to show basic respect for others, the national debt spiraling out of control, or the collapse of democracy. Maybe you fear a secular ideology of gender confusing your children and grandchildren in their schools. Perhaps you know an immigrant whom you fear will be mistreated. Maybe you fear the church of Jesus Christ compromising our witness by getting too invested in politics, or missing an important opportunity to influence politics. Perhaps you fear civil war, mandatory military service, or the collapse of the United States. The list of fears could be endless. What fears do you have? Take a minute to jot down additional concerns on paper.

The gates of Hell don’t stand a chance against the Church that Jesus Christ is building around the globe.

When King Hezekiah was surrounded by a military power that greatly exceeded his own, he received a threatening letter from a general, ready to destroy God’s people with a vast army. What a terrible moment for King Hezekiah; both his life and all he loved would soon be destroyed! Upon reception of the letter, King Hezekiah took these violent threats “…up to the house of the Lord, and spread it before the Lord” (2 Kings 19:14 NKJV). He then prayed and laid out his fears to God, who made the heavens and the earth—the Lord of all. God soon sent a message through a prophet, “…I will defend this city, to save it for My own sake and for My servant David’s sake” (v. 34). No army was a match for the creator of the universe.

I encourage you to share aloud your list of fears to God. If you wrote out your list, lay it before Him. Let Him know exactly what you are afraid of right now. As we follow the example of Hezekiah and the words of the Psalmist, our fears will shrink and our trust in the Lord will grow:

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1-2 NIV).

As you give your concerns to God, ponder how vast the universe is that God made. Remind yourself that the Lord is the maker of heaven and earth. He can do far more than any candidate, party, or nation can ever do—He created and runs the universe! Take some extra time to gaze at the stars and imagine what the glory of God must be like. The God who set up the total solar eclipse is now building His Church. The gates of Hell don’t stand a chance against the Church that Jesus Christ is building around the globe.

Regardless of our reasons to fear, our hope in Christ can grow. When our fears lead us to prayer, our hope will grow. When we continue to gather with brothers and sisters in Christ to turn our eyes on Jesus, our hope will grow. As we dwell in His Word, our hope will grow. What’s growing in your heart?

It’s human nature to have fears. It’s a supernatural work of Christ to have hope. May Christ’s Spirit cause you to grow in such hope: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 15:13 NIV).

Photo credit: Jenell Shrock

One Response

  1. Very timely article , especially for those of us who may be fretting about the political climate that is playing out in the United States right now!!

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