Beacon Feature
Avery Voth Roger Voth

Stories of Redemption

Throughout 2024, the feature articles are devoted to hearing stories of God’s redemption within our Rosedale Network churches. We pray these stories fuel your love for the Lord and lead you to greater service in His Church.                                                                                                                           ~Kelsey Jurkovich, Publication & Literature Committee Avery Voth

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Rosedale Network
Rosedale Network of Churches

Multiply 2024

What is Multiply Conference? Rosedale Network of Churches’ annual Multiply Conference provides a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages, scattered across the U.S., to come together to celebrate our life together as a body of churches and to recommit ourselves to the mission God

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Bill Eberly

A Long Obedience

This year, RBC is running a series of articles in the Beacon examining books that might be especially helpful to the life of the Church. We hope you will benefit from these book descriptions and suggestions. A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in

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Transformational Love

I met Bo in 2011, when my wife, Karen, and I first visited the village of Catel in Guinea Bissau. He was charismatic and beloved by many people. I noticed that his house was the nicest in the village—everyone else had thatched roofs and used

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