Beacon Feature
Mary Edgington

Pineview Mennonite Church – Vassar, Michigan

Reflections on God’s Work Part 8 God is at work. In 2023, the Beacon feature articles will seek to capture a snapshot of the ways God is working in churches across our conference. We pray that these articles encourage your faith and spur you on

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Rosedale Network
Ivan Yoder

Changing the Landscape

I am fascinated with landscapes and how they change over time. Natural landscapes usually change slowly, but occasionally, they may change rapidly. We often call those dramatic changes natural disasters. I personally love the landscape of the mountains in the Western United States. A few

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Rosedale Bible College

When Your Church Gets Too Full

RBC’s series of Beacon articles this year showcases a wide variety of differing practices encountered among Rosedale Network congregations. We hope these articles promote thoughtful discussions and spark new ideas about the differing ways our churches are faithfully seeking to honor Christ as His Body.

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New Life to the Desert

Names and locations have been changed or omitted for security. “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy….they will see the glory

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