Beacon Feature
Jay Mast

Advent: A Time to Wait

Wait! I have a particular aversion to the word “wait.” It must be because of my inherently low levels of patience necessary to gracefully navigate times of waiting. This year I have been constantly reminded of my annoyance at waiting and my seeming inability to

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Rosedale Network
Brian Hershberger

Consider It Pure Joy!

As I reflect on the themes of Advent, one stands out to me. Joy. Not because I feel incredibly happy right now. Rather, quite the opposite. This has been a year of loss in our lives. People dying much too young. Just last evening I

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Jewel Showalter

“Mistakes Were Made…” Part 11

“Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk!” If you’ve been tracking with Rosedale Bible College’s Beacon articles in 2022, you’ve heard writers speak soberly of cringe-worthy mistakes we’ve made as a church. There’s been erroneous biblical interpretation, pharisaical nonconformity, botched race relationships, and sincere mission efforts that

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God Is Moving: REACH 2022

On the evening of November 18, 2022, eleven REACHers gathered together with their close friends, family, and some Rosedale International (RI) staff at Rosedale Bible College. During a time of celebration and commissioning, they shared about the experience of discipleship training school (DTS) and the

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