Beacon Feature
Ron Embleton

Where Is the Harvest?

In a post-pandemic society packed with anxiety, many obligations, commitments, and the escape that entertainment provides, where is the harvest of souls in North America? Jesus once told a story that possibly resembles our setting today. Jesus said: A nobleman invited his friends to a

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Rosedale Network
Preston Yoder

Who Is Influencing You?

As a child, I admired my dad’s ease in striking up conversations with strangers. “How does he do that?” I wondered. For my entire childhood and youth, I watched my pastor move about as he preached. Today, I enjoy striking up conversations with strangers, and

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Phil Weber

“Mistakes Were Made…” Part 9

When Christians Gain Political PowerI was happily test-driving our newly repaired little 1994 pickup when I was distressed to hear a radio preacher state that the earliest Christian creed— “Jesus is Lord”—is a political statement. The preacher went on to say that attempts to separate

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Departures and Arrivals

As summer turns to fall, God continues to call workers to the spiritual harvest. Rosedale International (RI) is excited to introduce Esperanza and Courtney, two new workers who recently departed for their locations overseas. Esperanza’s first experience with overseas missions came in 2016, when she

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