Beacon Feature
Mike Gregory

God’s Road to Reconciliation

Reconciliation! Where do we begin? Spiritually, the safest place to begin is God’s Word. Start with 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 where we are admonished to first, ourselves, be reconciled to God. These verses force us to ask the critical question: Is my life truly reconciled to

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Rosedale Network
Miriam Roggio

Lean In

Last summer we took our dog through obedience school. I think the process was more for us than for her, but she is doing well. She is a toy fox terrier and loves to hunt. Our obedience school trainer taught us a game of hide-n-seek

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Daphne Edmonston

“Mistakes Were Made…” Part 5

The Narrow Path Between Legalism and License The Jews struggled, the early Christians struggled, and we are still struggling to walk the narrow path Jesus trod in balancing love and obedience. Mistakes have been made in every era of church history and by every historic

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Rosedale International

Sharing Hope: Ukraine Giving Update

In February, as Russia invaded Ukraine, CMC and Rosedale International (RI) put out an urgent request for support of the Ukrainian Mennonite Brethren (MB) Conference. Together with Multiply, the mission organization of MB churches, CMC and RI gathered donations to equip Ukrainian believers as they

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