Beacon Feature
Phil Mast

Think on These Things

“For as he thinks within himself, so he is” (Proverbs 23:7a NASB). Is what I think about really that important? In our current cultural, political, and economic climate, scrolling through my Facebook feed, clicking on Yahoo to see what’s going on in the world today,

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Rosedale Network
Darren Peachey

A Glowing and Gurgling Community

“This is the kind of fast day I’m after:to break the chains of injustice,get rid of exploitation in the workplace,free the oppressed,cancel debts.What I’m interested in seeing you do is:sharing your food with the hungry,inviting the homeless poor into your homes,putting clothes on the shivering

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Reuben Sairs

“Mistakes Were Made…” Part 2

How Can We Get “Nonconformity” Right? When was the last time you heard a sermon about nonconformity? How many of the younger generation of Mennonites in CMC can claim that nonconformity to the world was a special emphasis in their development—reinforced at every turn? Nonconformity

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Rosedale International

To Help Fellow Pilgrims

In 2013, Rosedale International (RI) workers Art and Paula made an unplanned return to Canada after a number of years overseas. As they settled back into their community, they realized that even there, unreached people lived not far away. Called to reach out with the

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