Beacon Feature
Dale Keffer

The Importance of Giving Thanks

November is the time of year when our society reminds us to give thanks. Stores put on Thanksgiving sales, card companies produce Thanksgiving cards and we celebrate the Thanksgiving season with family gatherings from near and far, and more food than anyone should eat. While

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Rosedale Network
Darren Peachey

Open the Wells!

“Open the wells of grace and salvation, pour the rich streams deep into my heart.Cleanse and refine my thought and affection,seal me and make me pure as thou art.” Three deep-rooted CMC churches (Cherry Glade, Maple Glen, and Oak Dale), along with one Morgantown, West

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David Perkins

And God Saw That It Was Good

Look around you. Look out your window. Look at the trees and the flowers. How many different colors do you see? Look at all the leaves and the movement of each blade of grass. How long do you think it would take to count them

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Boldly Into His Call

In August of 2018, a young REACHer stepped through the doors of the Rosedale International Center (RIC). As a new high school graduate ready to explore the world, Lavinia could not have imagined the story prepared for her as she took her first small step

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