Beacon Feature
Kelsey Jurkovich

A Failed Adoption and the Gospel

It was one of the worst days of my young life. As my wife and I were driving the hour-ride home, only a few words were spoken between us. Our hearts were as hollow as the backseat; we were in complete shock. After a long

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Rosedale Network
Phil Swartzentruber

Because They Went

In Luke 10:2 Jesus told his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (NIV). Going into God’s harvest field is equally valuable to those who go and

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Matthew Cordella-Bontrager

A Darker Cross

1. I am sitting in my grandparents’ pew at St. Isidore Roman Catholic Church in Riverhead, N.Y. I have missed the prompt to kneel. The kneeler flips down onto my small foot as a row of parishioners lowers its pious weight. My shout erupts into

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In Their Midst: REACH 2021

As summer drew to a close, Rosedale International (RI) began returning to familiar fall rhythms. Young men and women from all corners of the country and beyond the border converged on the Rosedale International Center (RIC), excited for what the remainder of this year and

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