Rosedale Network
Abby Yoder

Following Jesus Together

After months of work, meetings, and preparation, our annual Multiply Conference has come and, seemingly in the blink of an eye, gone for another season of time. Attending the event, one of the questions that came to mind as I observed a busily conversing crowd

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Marietta Renne

Birth Control: A Christian Perspective – Part 2

CMC’s vision to mature and multiply churches includes learning to think critically and biblically about issues in our culture. When we eagerly seek for God’s Word to speak to every aspect of life, we learn, we grow, and our gospel witness expands. -BH Last month

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The Rock, a Firm Foundation

Nearly forty years ago in Southeast Asia, a young Buddhist boy named Alex grew up in a small village in the shadow of his capital city. Like many rural children, Alex traveled long miles each day to gain an education. He worked hard, and after

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Rosedale Network
Jessica Miller

Becoming Anabaptist

I was not raised Mennonite. In fact, when I first met my husband Jeff, I was immediately turned off by the fact that he was a Mennonite. My experience with that tradition was extremely limited. I just knew they dressed very differently than me and

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