Beacon Feature
Tim Yoder

Sharing the Great Inheritance

Jesus’ last words to his disciples were to go into all the world, preach the gospel, and make disciples. This Great Commission has created passionate outreach, sacrificial foreign mission work, and sometimes a sense that the church may not be doing enough. Despite these sometimes

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Rosedale Network
Elizabeth Miller

Musings of a Mother: An Annual Conference Upbringing

Attending CMC’s summer gatherings has been an annual event for much of my life. When I was a child, my dad, Nathan Miller, served as president of Rosedale Mennonite Missions (now Rosedale International). This meant that every summer our family of seven would pack up

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Jeremy Miller

Tired of Church?

In churches across the nation, pastors and congregants are increasingly asking hard questions about the purpose and value of church life as we have come to know it. The statistics are sobering. Lifeway Research reported in a 2019 survey that two-thirds of Protestant young adults

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Introducing Mike, Phil and Lexi

In the past year, Rosedale International (RI) has undergone several staff transitions. Through these changes, God has shown his faithfulness and led us to the right individuals to fill two vital roles—Mike, Director of Partner Development, and Phil and Lexi, Short-Term Program Facilitators. Phil and

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