Beacon Feature
Christa Wolf

Striking the Mother Lode

Motherhood is hard work. I can’t say it more plainly than that. Of course there are physical needs to be met, but beyond that, the thing I find most “weighty” is the sense of responsibility I feel as a mother who wants nothing as much

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Beacon Feature
Brian Hershberger

Thriving Churches

CMC’s Church Planting Team and other interested individuals have met via Zoom every Thursday morning at 6:30 AM for an hour of prayer, crying out to God to move us from our current reality of relatively random, occasional church plants in CMC, to one where

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Dion Gingerich

Resting in a God Who Guides

Looking back over my short life, I can think of six distinct junctures where I had to make a major choice about my future. What makes these six crossroads in my life stand out is that each of them carried a weight. The weight was

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Rosedale International

Though the Mountains Be Shaken

This article is a collaboration between an RI worker in the Mediterranean and our Media Coordinator. For security reasons, the names and locations in this piece have been changed. “Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you

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