Beacon Feature
Karl Delagange

What’s Growing?

My wife and I and our two little daughters are currently in the process of moving from our home in urban Michigan to the home where I spent my high school years in rural Ohio–a house with lots of land attached and huge opportunities for

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Beacon Feature
Phil Maust

Plant for the Harvest

A new growing season is fast approaching. Last year’s harvest is completed and the winter has come, and is going. While fields and gardens are now dead and desolate, an opportunity is coming to plant another crop—to prepare the soil and plant the seed.  

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Matt Showalter

Understanding Biblical Prophecy

God spoke to me at the Toronto Airport Vineyard. I write those words with some trepidation since I have wrestled to hear God’s voice over the years. Nevertheless, that moment in Toronto is a time I will never forget. I was 19 and wanted to

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To Honor and Glorify the King: Celebrating Four RI Workers

Rosedale International (RI) recently celebrated four significant personnel milestones. Within the past year, Kevin, Sheryl, and Tom reached twenty years of service with RI, and Candice reached fifteen. Join us as we honor their work and look toward their futures with the agency! Kevin Kevin’s

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