Beacon Feature
Melissa Yoder

Beginning in Submission

In the fall of 2020, my husband Nikolas and I applied for a ministry position that seemed to be a calling from the Lord and also came at a time when we were both looking for new job opportunities. We waited eagerly for the responses

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Beacon Feature
Brian Hershberger

Looking Back on 2020

Some things are memorable for the sheer joy they induce – a baptism, a wedding, the birth of a child. Some things are memorable for the abject pain they unleash – a broken bone, a broken promise, the loss of a loved one. Some things

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Phyllis Swartz

A Step, A Word, A Prayer—All One at a Time

Five mornings a week, I do what I hate. But because of the treadmill, I’ve walked 524 miles this year—enough miles to walk from the place I live to the place I was born and back again. Since I retired, I’ve been writing. I’m not

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Passing Prayer to a New Generation

Rosedale International (RI) recently underwent a transition as Mim, who served as the organization’s Prayer Coordinator, retired after nearly twenty years in the role. Mim began developing the position in 2003, when RI answered a call from CMC for more in-depth teaching and guidance on

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