Beacon Feature
Tonya Slaubaugh

The Illusion of Safety

“There go our freedoms.” The elections this year proved to be deeply concerning to me. Not the outcome, but the reaction to the outcome by professed Christians talking as if all our hope is either found or lost in our earthly leaders. Do we not

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Beacon Feature
Brenda Zook

When You Can’t Look Up

If you’re singing “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” this post is probably not for you. These words are for the ones who are struggling because whatever made life hard in the previous eleven months didn’t evaporate when December rolled around. In fact,

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Jeremy Miller

2020 Reflection: Recapturing Holiness as People of God

I was young, maybe 11. The world I had known was altered dramatically one day when I learned that a close friend’s parents were getting a divorce. I had never known anyone who had gotten a divorce and was immediately terrified at the prospect that

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Rosedale International

Walking Through an Open Door

From a small farm in Pennsylvania, Devin prays for a chance to return to West Africa and make it his home in 2021. In a recent conversation, Devin shared how unlikely this vocation would have seemed when he was a boy. “As a child, I

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