Beacon Feature
Elmer Lehman

Thank God for the Harvest

Five ordained ministers from three congregations gathered 110 years ago this month in what is considered the beginning of CMC.  Among five questions for discussion, one was based on the duty of our churches to spread the gospel. They recognized that our churches should respond

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Beacon Feature
Steve Swartz

What’s a Pastor To Do . . . About the KKK?

I was a young pastor when the KKK came to our town. The rally was just three blocks from our home in a town where my two children attended school and my wife taught and where I pastored a CMC church. On Saturday, July 17,

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Reuben Sairs

“The Shared Meme of a Fool Gushes Folly…”

Twenty years ago would you have read an article about how Christians should consume news? Not likely. There were discussions about movies, TV, and other entertainment where portrayals of sex and violence called for discernment. But news was news, right? Much has changed. I grew

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Rosedale International

Our Struggle: Two Rivers in the Amazon

“…our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but… against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12 We are undoubtedly “flesh and blood” creations. Incarnate, carne, “meat” — made up of the same elements, amino acids, and inner material as every other

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