Beacon Feature
Jessica Miller

The Harvest is Plentiful Online

Near the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, I started hearing reports about spiritual seekers turning to the internet in greater numbers. I decided to increase the amount of money our church was spending to promote Christian resources through Facebook posts in other languages targeting unreached

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Beacon Feature

Poised For Action

The Mature & Multiply Summit, held February 6-8 at Rosedale International Center, featured eight CMC congregations, each following one of three tracks: Church Planting, Recalibration, Ministry to Amish. Our three CMC agencies (CMC, Rosedale International, and Rosedale Bible College) collaborated for the event. Participating congregations

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Phil Weber

An Inconvenient Scripture

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.” This little instruction occurs in the latter half of Paul’s inspired letter to the first-century church in Rome, where, as some say, he moves from preaching to meddling. Once you agree with his insistence that we

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