Beacon Feature
Paul (Tap) Ware

Unity Lives

As a person of color in America, I have experienced racism, unfair treatment by police officers, and prejudices from Christians. Despite growing up in a Christian home, I can remember being in grade school and the other children not playing with my brother and me

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Beacon Feature
Phil Swartzentruber

Ministry of Reconciliation

As I write this article, we are a nation in turmoil—with separation caused by the pandemic and unrest caused by the painful deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and others. But the problem goes much deeper. In Genesis 3, sin entered the world

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Rosedale Bible College

Mourning with Those Who Mourn

Mourn with those who mourn. ~ Romans 12:15b A Letter from RBC We are Kingdom workers, and our work is Kingdom work. The biblical promise of God’s Kingdom come in its glory and completion in Revelation 7 is a promise of true equality and diversity.

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Introducing Ivy: New Worker to North Africa

Rosedale International is happy to introduce Ivy,* who was recently appointed to serve in North Africa. Ivy grew up on a farm in central Ohio and is the oldest daughter of nine children. She is grateful for her close-knit family and the strong spiritual community

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