Beacon Feature
Sharon Hazen


March 2020! We found ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic caused by a virus named COVID-19. I have seen what it is capable of…I call it a “Beast!” We have dealt with contagious airborne diseases before, but never, in my 38-year career as

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Beacon Feature
Darren Peachey

Forced Pause

“In these days of a forced pause….” These words messaged by a friend a few weeks ago have best described for me what I observe happening in our world and in the church the past several months. In a matter of weeks we have all

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Courtney Kuepfer

Living in the Kingdom

Courtney Kuepfer delivered the valedictory address at Rosedale Bible College’s virtual graduation ceremony May 23, 2020. (You can watch the online commencement at RosedaleBibleCollege on YouTube.) The following is her speech. One of the main things impressed upon me while I was a student at

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