Beacon Feature
Miriam Roggio

With Open Hands

We have all been thinking a little more about water and hand washing these days. This beautiful painting by CMC artist Queena Mast resonated with my soul. Here are some of my thoughts as the water and soap mingle together on my hands and I

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Beacon Feature
Steve Swartz

Sharpen the Axe

The people of the tribe of Issachar “had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.”      (1 Chronicles 12:32) And we need an understanding of our unusual times—when non-essential travel is discouraged, when we connect with people through phones and

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Jewel Showalter

Sprinting on Tiptoes at RBC

Daily scripture readings to the tune of “I Owe the Lord a Morning Song” (played on old-school synthesizers) bump up against jokes, riddles, contests, and “isolation reports” on Rosedale Bible College’s novel Morning Show. Masterminded by Hans Shenk, director of enrollment services, the show aims

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Global Relief in Response to a Pandemic

The global COVID-19 pandemic is causing unprecedented upheaval in the world. In response, Rosedale International is coordinating a global relief fund to assist the CMC connected communities of faith around the world that have been impacted the most by the novel virus. Please consider how

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