Beacon Feature
Kevin Swartzentruber

Don’t Waste This Trial

The world is full of trials and suffering, made very real to us in recent weeks. We are facing unfamiliar territory with threats to our health, relationships, and finances. We have undoubtedly heard it many times that God is sovereign, in control, with us… This

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Beacon Feature
Brian Hershberger

Introducing the Digital Beacon

Jesus told a parable, recorded in three of the Gospels, about the importance of pouring new wine into new wineskins. Perhaps calling the digital Beacon a new wineskin is a stretch, but we do hope it will be a format that delivers fresh, compelling content

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Vicki Sairs

Frozen Between Frames

I asked my Creative Writing students to share what it was like to find out they had to leave campus. They got the news on March 13, and by March 15, they were gone. (They are going to class online for now.) Andrea Lyndaker: All

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Praise and Prayer: A Covid-19 Update from RI

In these difficult times, may we all “fix our eyes, not on what is seen, but on what is unseen” (2 Corinthians 4:18), believing that these truly are “light and momentary troubles” in view of the eternal glory that is to come. We are grateful

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